Making it Rain! – April 2019 Newsletter
Spring has arrived!
Though many of us are still experiencing a bit of a late winter, don’t let the Winter stay weigh on your opportunities!
The greatest part of this Vernal time of year is the celebration of new life! Let’s welcome a new quarter, a new month, a new season, new goals, and, of course, NEW LICENSES!!!
Arizona is hot!
MLG offers a fabulous growth opportunity by signing up with our exclusive Arizona RI Program!
The Mortgage Licensing Group provides efficient Arizona Responsible Individual representation, and – as a bonus – even includes your Arizona Broker License [or Arizona Lender License] as part of our unique program! Meet regulatory requirements for the AZ-DFI and begin sprouting the seeds of your mortgage business!
Increase your company’s Summer blossoming potential by nurturing your garden of green during Spring!
For more information about our Arizona RI Program, email us:
The Season of Giving Back!
Spring is the season of giving back! The skies give the earth rain and sun, and in return, the earth gives back flowers, trees, oxygen, and life! Do you love MLG’s services? Share the love! Have you saved time, money, and stress by using our devoted team of licensing specialists?
Here is an opportunity to let us know how our company has impacted your needs:
Refer A Friend! If you love MLG, tell your friends! Your vibe attracts your tribe! So why not share your licensing vibes with your colleagues?
Imagine how much easier life could be if someone reached out to offer you a hand. Imagine if you found MLG in 2008? A lot can happen as a result of sharing your joy! If you know someone starting their own mortgage company, tell them to sign up with MLG’s specialized licensing services!
If you are a current MLG client and refer a friend to MLG you will receive an Amazon® Gift Card! Once your pal(s) enter a contractual agreement for our services, and complete their payment for their initial order of MLG’s licensing services, you will receive a gift card for sharing your MLG experience with others! Just be sure your referral is a new client of ours!
Give back to yourself by sharing your opportunities with those who want to expand their business! Refer a friend and treat yourself!
For more information about MLG’s Referral Program, Click Here.
Moving Season!![]()
It’s around the corner! Now is the time to line up the ducks, get approved, and lend your heart away! Don’t wait until it’s too late! Most licenses are approved within a matter of 4-6 weeks after submitting your application! And with MLG’s help, we make sure you have everything you need make this process as smooth as possible! As the skies clear, and temperatures rise, families all over the nation are getting ready to make one of the most important decisions of their life! Don’t get left behind! The only way you can be the best mortgage broker – or mortgage lender – across the nation is by expanding your business,
and obtaining licenses in all 50 states!
We follow through to approval! MLG makes licensing easy!
Leave us a comment below to let us know how you’re giving back this Spring!
Don’t forget to Follow us!